News & Announcements
An August 10 derecho storm devastated much of Cedar Rapids and Iowa. Few homes, farms, stables and arenas that lay in the path of the derecho were unaffected. Our hearts go out to all, especially the many arenas and barns that were destroyed from this terrible storm. Below is a documentation of the restoration process.
Storm Update: Jan. 8, 2021

Storm Update: Jan. 8, 2021
Liz Lindner, Manager of Equine Events and Operations
Happy New Year! We are pleased to share the following project update:
- The sprinkler system demo work has been completed and the new sprinkler system install may begin as early as next week.
- The show arena trusses have been cleaned and painted to match the arena columns. The warm-up arena trusses will be painted in the upcoming days.
- The air exchange units and duct work have been raised.
- Our BA Fans have been temporarily removed and their supports are being raised to accommodate the higher ceiling.
Looking ahead, the contractors will focus on the new sprinkler system, wrapping up paint jobs and reinstalling ceilings to the stall barn ramp, dining room, vendor room, etc. The project is progressing well and is on-pace for the IEC to reopen for March events pending timely delivery of materials.
Storm Update: November 18, 2020
Storm Update: November 18, 2020
Liz Lindner, Manager of Equine Events and Operations
This month the Iowa Equestrian Center renovation project opened for public bid and Kirkwood Community College looks forward to awarding the work to the winning bid. Construction work in the arena is scheduled to begin in late November.
Storm Update: October 13, 2020

Storm Update: October 13, 2020
Liz Lindner, Manager of Equine Events and Operations
The Iowa Equestrian Center is approaching a milestone as the demolition work nears completion. Much of the recent efforts have been dedicated to removing the low, acoustic ceiling in the arena. All ceiling grid-work, ceiling tiles, and light fixtures have been removed from the show and warm-up arenas. The overhead doors that were blown-in during the storm have been removed and recently replaced, and the outdoor arena is functional again. Kirkwood continues to work with designers and engineers on plans regarding lighting, air flow, sprinkler system, and sound. We are still targeting a March re-opening for events in the arena.
Although we are closed for large events, we look forward to seeing some of you at class this fall and winter. We are excited to partner with Kirkwood Continuing Education and Abraham’s Equine Clinic to host classes for horse owners and professionals starting October 13, with additional classes being offered in 2021. These classes will be held in the IEC Dining Room.
Please reach out to us with any questions and continue to visit our Derecho Storm Updates page for future facility progress updates.
Storm Update: September 16, 2020
Storm Update: September 16, 2020
Liz Lindner, Manager of Equine Events and Operations
Due to the significant storm damage suffered at the Iowa Equestrian Center on August 10, 2020, Kirkwood Community College has temporarily closed the facility for repairs and renovations. This closure is expected to last through February 2021. Damages include a missing portion of the structural metal panel roof system, missing overhead doors, interior lighting, acoustical ceiling tile, grid, lights and speakers damaged throughout the interior of the arena, ductwork and diffusers torn from mechanical units, and IT/electrical equipment damaged due to water infiltration.
Kirkwood is currently working with designers, engineers and contractors to develop plans to improve the performance of the space. The work is targeted to be complete by the start of the spring season 2021. We anticipate opening for large events in March. Upon opening, users will find a renovated riding and warm-up arena. The existing acoustical ceiling was damaged beyond repair and will be removed. Eliminating the existing low ceiling tiles will provide a more expansive interior environment and overall improvement to all mechanical and electrical systems. The renovated space will be open to structure with energy-efficient LED lighting with dimming capabilities, new mechanical diffusers for improved air flow, reworked sprinkler system for improved life-safety, and an upgraded sound system.
We are confident that the renovations will greatly improve our facility and enhance the visitor experience for years to come. Your patience and continued support is so very appreciated as we navigate through this journey of disaster, recovery and a safe reopening of an improved IEC for all to enjoy.
Our website will soon be updated with a Storm Recovery and Renovation section. Please visit our website for monthly progress updates and don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.
Storm Update: September 4, 2020
Storm Update: September 4, 2020
Liz Lindner, Manager of Equine Events and Operations
A section of the North riding arena roofing and overhead door was removed during the August 10 derecho. This resulted in significant damage to the acoustical ceiling and moisture to the main power switch gear. The temporary roof repair is complete and power has been restored. Demo work on the affected areas of ceiling is underway.
This week contractors and engineers have reassessed damage at the IEC following power restoration and have found damage to be greater than what was seen in original assessments. Due to this additional damage, the IEC will not be open for events scheduled in September and October. We will share additional information regarding our timeline for reopening after total system assessments have been completed. We hope all affected by this devastating storm are on the road to recovery. Please know our hearts are with you.
Storm Update: August 17, 2020
Storm Update: August 17, 2020
Liz Lindner, Manager of Equine Events and Operations
The August 10 storm devastated so much of our state. Few homes, farms, stables and arenas that lay in the path of Monday’s Derecho were unaffected. Our hearts go out to all, especially the many arenas and barns that were destroyed from this terrible storm.
What’s next? A roof patch plan is in the works. Electricians are in the process of securing lights and hope to test lights and HVAC equipment soon, and we are working with engineers, the power company, electricians, contractors and roofers to make the IEC safe for guests as soon as possible. We still hope to hold our fall events, but have several unknowns regarding the timeframe for repairs as we are still waiting on full power restoration.