Please view the Show bill, Entry Form, or the Website. For stall information contact Lindsay McLain 515-491-5111.
Please view the Showbill or Website and contact Angela De La Riva at [email protected] for Stalling information.
Please view the Show bill, Entry form, and website. Please contact Mike Davis 319-404-2270 for more informaiton
Please view the Show schedule or contact Nancy Weber 563-260-3245
Please view the Show bill and Website or contact Lindsay McLain at [email protected] or 515-491-5111 for stall information.
Please view the Show bill and the Website or Contact Dixi Cohea at [email protected] or 636-290-6258
Please view the June 6th Double B&P Show bill and the June 7th – 9th Regional Show bill or the Website. Please contact Mike King with questions at [email protected] or 563-249-6129
Must be a FFA member to complete, ask your agriculture instructor to register yourself or your team.
Contest Begins: 9:00 AM
Awards Ceremony 2:30 PM
Please view the Class list and Entry form and Website. Contact Dixi Cohea at [email protected] or 636-290-6258 with any questions
Please view the Flyer and the Website or contact Lynde Johnson at [email protected] or 515-571-4281
Please view the Class List, Schedule and the website for additional information or contact Nick Happily with any questions at [email protected] or 319-610-7396
Please view the Website and the Showbill. Please view: Thursday Trail Patterns, Thursday and Friday Patterns, Saturday Trail Patterns, Saturday and Sunday Patterns, VRH Friday Patterns, and VRH Sunday Patterns. Contact Brian Hamrick with more questions.
View the Premium Book, Entry Form, Waiver and Statutory release and warning. Please contact Sue Kinsinger at [email protected] or 319-325-0553 for more information.
Please view the Schedule of events the Website or Contact Gay Ellen Vick for show information.
Please view the Show billand Website or contact Mike King with questions at [email protected] or 563-249-6129
Please view the Saurday showbill, Sunday showbill and Website and contact Julie Kramer with questions.
View the Prize List and Please contact Gloria Paulsen for show information
Open to the public, all ages are welcome! Admission is $4 per person (cash only) ages 3 and under are free. View the event Flyer, Schedule of events and Kirkwood Liability Waiver for additional details. Signed liability waiver for each guest is required upon entrance. Print and sign the waiver in advance and bring it with you to the event or sign a copy on site.
Please view the Flyer, Entry form, and the Ali cart Entry form. Also here is a link to enter American and Jr. American. This is there Facebook link. $5 Admission fee will be charged for spectators, children 12 and under will be free. For information about the show contact Kellie Corrigan.
Please view the Prize list and visit the website and contact Kelly for show information.
Please view the Prize list and visit the website and contact Kelly for show information.
Open Arena Riding from 10:00-8:00Pm
$15/horse to ride, stalls are available at $30 each and stalling is optional. Please pay with exact cash or check.
No reservation required, sign in upon arrival. Please view the Rules and Liability form. Copies available onsite.
Please note the arena may be closed due to unforeseen maintenance or inclement weather. Please check our Facebook page for updates or call Liz at 319-398-7107 or Sarah at 319-398-1266.
Saturday: Open Arena 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. | Barrel pattern set 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Sunday: Open Arena 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
$15 per horse and rider for the day! Overnight stalls available. Please pay with exact Cash or Check.
Please call Sarah Rairdin – 319-398-1266 or Liz Lindner – 319-398-7107 with questions.
Please Sign in upon arrival. No Reservations Required.
Please view the Rules form and Liability form. Copies will be available on site.
Open Arena Riding from 10:00-8:00Pm
$15/horse to ride, stalls are available at $30 each and stalling is optional. Please pay with exact cash or check.
No reservation required, sign in upon arrival. Please view the rules & liability form. Copies available onsite.
Please note the arena may be closed due to unforeseen maintenance or inclement weather. Please check our Facebook page for updates or call Liz at 319-398-7107 or Sarah at 319-398-1266.
View the Event Agenda and contact Joel Edge at (319) 331-3667 – [email protected] or Ashley Hansen at (563) 265-9180 – [email protected] to reserve a spot
Open Arena Riding from 10:00-8:00Pm
$15/horse to ride, stalls are available at $30 each and stalling is optional. Please pay with exact cash or check.
No reservation required, sign in upon arrival. Please view the rules & liability form. Copies available onsite.
Please note the arena may be closed due to unforeseen maintenance or inclement weather. Please check our Facebook page for updates or call Liz at 319-398-7107 or Sarah at 319-398-1266.
Please view the Flyer and Stall Reservation Form
Kirkwood Open Arena Riding and More! Get out of the cold, bring your horse or pony and stay for the weekend. We will have the arenas and wash racks open 12:00 p.m. on Friday through 6:00 p.m. on Sunday. We are adding some unjudged classes just for fun! Come with friends and make a weekend out of it!
Please call Sarah Rairdin – 319-398-1266 or Liz Lindner – 319-398-7107 with questions.